Think before you dress has been a mantra in Meri’s life ever since she first was told that as a child. That mantra sparked curiosity through the rest of her journey in life and lead her into a career as a designer clothing buyer, working with the top European, as well as up and coming designers.
She was given the reins to explore and exercise ideas that would take a successful established fashion house into the next level. Treating the business as if it was her own, she launched “Aversa Insider”, a video series and email marketing campaign, as well as built an e-commerce store, hired a team and lead production from start to finish. Often times stepping in to model, photograph, video, edit and storytell the content.
She has always been inspired by editorial fashion and believed in educating fashion tips through visuals that tell a story. Just like the interior design of a home reflects who we are internally so does what we put on our bodies and project to the world. It says everything without saying anything.
Aside from buying and project management, Meri has 10+ years in personal styling, closet makeovers, visual displays, and trusted by the top successful people (men and women) in managing how they look.